A New York City energy provider began transitioning one of their fuel oil storage tanks to biodiesel as part of their clean energy initiative. An immersion-grade coating system was needed to protect the tank from the new microbe-rich corrosive conditions.
To facilitate the application after draining the tank, all residual fuel oil needed to be removed from the tank prior to coating. An SSPC-SP 10 Near White standard of cleanliness was desired and after several failed attempts to clean the tank prior to grit blasting, the client reached out to Advanced FRP Systems for help.
Advanced FRP Systems recommended an oil tolerant epoxy primer to the floor of the tank and 24″ up the side walls to allow for more forgiving cleanliness while still ensuring the required adhesion to the substrate. Once applied, our solution provides a maintenance-free, 20-year service-life extension to the tank.
Having Issues with Tank Corrosion or Erosion?
Contact us for a free evaluation!