Composite Tank Repair
Industry: Oil & Gas
Solution: General Tank Repairs - Spot Repairs
ID: CTR-6-00154
Project summary:
An oil field equipment company acquired seven used tanks with varying degrees of internal corrosion and multiple through-wall failures on the tank floors. However, the tank walls and ceiling were in excellent condition, so they decided to only refurbish the floors. Advanced FRP recommended application of HP 201 OT, an oil tolerant primer, followed by carbon fiber tank patches anywhere that excessive corrosion or through-wall failures were present. The entire floor and floor-to-wall seams were then covered with HP 400-2 Novo, a chemically resistant epoxy novolac coating system. These repairs prevent further internal corrosion to the tank floors and provide a 20-year service life.
- Date of installation: 05/23
- Facility/Location: Texas
- Applicator: C&P Environmental Logistics
- Products used:
- Carbon Fiber Repair Kit
- HP 201 OT
- HP 400-2 Novo